Customisable activity setups via Timers
Time study
Complete time studies on your device with your custom ti
Activity sampling
Random or set time interval activity sampling with notification when the next sample is due.

Video analysis
No need to be present. Do your time and motion studies on video recordings
Quick count
Quickly count throughput or items
View your results in real time and export it for further analysis
Customise your activities you want to measure
Setup the activities you want to measure or create new activities during on the fly when while busy with the time or motion study. Watch&Time provides you with both features and more. Customise each activity with labels to easily identify and use for further analysis. Already have a list of activities? Import it into the app quickly and easily.

Timestudy without paper
No need for a clipboard and stopwatch. Watch&Time provides a timestudy feature on your device. Time single or multiple activities at the same time without the need to recapture the information again into a spreadsheet.
Activity sampling
Activity sampling
Randomised or interval based activity (work) sampling without the need to keep watching the clock. Watch&Time allows for multiple activity sampling sessions based on your preferences. Even better, you will be notified when the next activity sample is due.

Video analysis
Time and motion studies, anywhere, anytime
No need to be on the floor or at the premise for your time and motion studies. Watch&Time provides the ability to complete time and motion studies from videos. Either record your video with your phone or tablet, or upload an existing video. Watch&time features video analysis for both time studies and activity sampling.
Get the results
Get an overview of your studies or analyse it in more depth. Watch&Time summaries your results and provide you the function to export it into a format for further analysis with your favourite analysis tool.

Quick Count
Count items quickly and easily
Watch&Time provides a feature to quickly count items over a time period. Setup a timer with the items you want to count, set the time and start counting.